Sunday, 04.11.12 - A little rain at night, a slightly fresh morning, and mens-showers even fresher ;) A little melancholic we go off to our last stage towards Sydney.

We drive 'back' alongside Gosford (and Wyoming, Niagara and Somersby ...!) and take the 'Scenic Road' towards Wiseman's Ferry. Still we don't know: Do they take campervans on that ferry? How often does it cross the river? How about the costs? Well, we'll see, for now we're away from the city's hustle and bustle. What a joy.

Along the Hawkesbury River we drive and get to know another NSW: More civilization (this means more rubbish at the roadside), less cared streets (but not to be comparable to Northern-Germany's pot-holed streets), much water. And again it seems a little like in France or so.
Since we are driving on a weekend we see loooooots of motorbike-riders on and besides the streets. Unique experience: Somewhere at a crowd of pub on the right and landing stages on the left there stands a 'rocker', long braid, leather-cowl, Harley beside, and stops the cars. He's just guiding - with a big grin on his face - a duck family towards the water :) Typical ozzie?

After this duck-crossing we drive some more kilometers and then arrive at Wiseman's Ferry. Yes, it's big enough. Yes, it passes the river in short intervals. And it costs: NOTHING!

On the other side of the river: Big bike-meeting. Masses of motorbikes, really heart-bleeding! At this moment we have two wheels too much under our rears. And they have curves here - CURVES! A
biker's dream, all this at sunshine and temperatures about 25°C ... *sigh*

At once the curves and mountains are gone, it's green again and there are grapevines...?!? Ok, these seem to be foothills from Hunter Valley, THAT wine-growning district in OZ.

Just plains and vineyards, now extensions of Sydney, Penrith in this case. It's unbelievably hot and we stay a little longer at the bottleshop :) After this we have more countryside again and we find a fine green quite shadowy campsite at Wallacia. But somehow there's no receptionist and after a picnic beneath maple and cockatoo we drive on. No excuses, we have to bring back the campervan tomorrow.

So then, into the city and searching for the nearest campsite. After five times cruising round the given address we have to realise: This site does not exist anymore. Note for the next trip: Always have a young 'Navi' and fresh streetmaps with you!

Finally we take the campsite from our journey's beginning. Before we drive lots of kilometres just to see that the other sites are closed too (or crowded, or too small) we go to Lane Cove Tourist Park. We know where it is, we know that it's a good one. And this is our last evening with magpies, cookaburras, cockatoos and other weird birds ... *yowl*!