Of course the weather was not that unbleamable, but it wasn't the weather alone. People have impressed us, their composure, their humour (as far as we have understood it), their friendlyness. Even in the big town it seemed to me very relaxed (in contrast to Hamburg e.g.)
The landscapes were amazing! The steak and the Pavlova awesome, you won't get this here at all.
The campsites prizes were different, we've paid between AUD 25,- and AUD 49,-. But everywhere the campsites were clean and proper. Living costs are slightly higher than ours but therefore the
gasoline is cheaper. On a similar holiday over here we would have spent the same money. (But we would not have had Pacific or woods of gum-trees.)
Next time we should take better streetmaps and/or an updated 'Navi'. But then it wouldn't be adventurous ;)
For those of you who want to go there, too:
Take creditcards with you and cash! Whatever your guidebook tells you, you cannot pay with ec-cards! (We had only one occasion to use ec-cards whilst our whole journey.) And if you use creditcards, take both: A VisaCard and a MasterCard. Sometimes one won't work, sometimes the other, sometimes none of them (depends on wire connections to Europe, I guess). Perhaps you can buy an Australian card, that should work always.
If you want to take a campervan: Book it before you start your journey. There are a lot of tour operators on the internet. At it's best you may understand what you are booking. On location with heat and foreign language it could become stressful. We have taken the most comfortable type and booked everything (car, visa, hotel) at a tour operator. It costs a bit more but you get a secure feeling, they know what they are doing (hopefully).
And if you have any questions concerning this trip: Contact me!
And remember:
Everything is bigger in Australia - except Nutella ;)
[ok, and spiders ...]